Another dilemma of Pakistan - HEC is about to peril the future of 622 Ph.D. doctors

There is no doubt that this world is a house of sorrow, but some so-called people have made it more complicated. Employing the people is the responsibility of the state and the most important pillar of this is education. Unfortunately, under the noses of our rulers, some people are not only wasting the nation's time but also taking the responsibility to upset the people. Think about what would happen to a country whose chairman HEC could not employ its Ph.D. doctors. The government of Pakistan is spending a huge amount on HEC Scholarships, However, the performance of the HEC personal to spend this amount is very disappointing. 
Another dilemma of Pakistan - HEC is about to peril the future of 622 Ph.D. doctors
Another dilemma of Pakistan - HEC is about to peril the future of 622 Ph.D. doctors

HEC scholarships

Higher education commission (HEC) of Pakistan initiated a program named " The IPFP (Interim Placement of Fresh PhDs) in 2009, both to employ fresh PhDs and support universities in attracting qualified PhDs. Initially, the purpose of this program was to provide employment opportunities to all Pakistani fresh Ph.D. graduates in the universities as Assistant Professors on a tenure track system for one year. Also, to support the universities especially those in remote areas, in attracting qualified Ph.D. scholars.

HEC Pakistan deluded the IFPF fellows that after one year or during the tenure, the host university will advertise a post to absorb them. Do universities follow the rest of the HEC rules that will follow?. The problem does not end here. In the beginning, when the scheme was launched, HEC announced one lakh thirty thousand salaries for Ph.D. doctors for one year and now after 8 years, the amount has been reduced to only one lakh. IPFP budget has been reduced rather than increased. The "HEC" says it has no money, which is why they took such a step. Is this problem only for PhDs?. 

To see this matter, you need to look at the top management of this organization, how they interact with Ph.D. fellows, how they made policies for higher studies, their eligibility at the positions, who imposed them, how they progress, their loyalties in the past. Unfortunately, some people do not want to see Ph.D. gentlemen up there because if the educated people come up, then their provision will end. A few days ago, HEC took the IPFP test and released the results with the birth dates of the female candidates who took the test. From this, you can estimate the capability of people working in HEC.


Is there any benchmark that confirms that after completing a Ph.D. education, the candidate will have to pass B.ed or M.ed exam?. 
What HEC management thinks, a Pakistani candidate who did a Ph.D. from MIT, Oxford, Imperial, etc, should come to Pakistan for a job and will pass such nonsense hurdles?
Does HEC management know how many universities in Pakistan rank top in research?
Does HEC management know how many universities in Pakistan have had fake degree deans and chairmen?
Does HEC management verify their employees' degrees?
Does someone interact and observe the behavior of the Project Director of the IPFP program?
In short, there is a list of endless questions.


Finally, it is very important to see who is selling the problem. HEC infrastructural reforms are the dire need of the hour. The HEC journey has always been a roller coaster ride. We have to protect Ph.D. doctors and give them good jobs instead of wasting their time in nonsense activities. Time is money. Adjust them as soon as you can, the time is not far when Ph.D. doctors will be rolling around like MSc students. HEC has to keep an eye on universities that are producing machine-like Ph.D. doctors. Testing a Ph.D. candidate after PhD will restrict the intelligent minds studying in abroad. The importance of HEC scholarships cannot be negated. The HEC Pakistan should start this practice during Ph.D. research. 

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