Sore throat remedies for men and women with the latest research

Sore throat remedies: Sore throat is uncomfortable. The main symptom is pain and irritation in the throat, especially when swallowing. There are various things (yeast, bacteria, smoking, drinking alcohol, breathing polluted air, hay fever, mold, pollen, etc.) which cause Sore throat. Viruses are the most common cause of throat pain (sore throat). Sore throats are highly contagious. Sore throat remedies are listed below:
         Marshmallow root
         Lemon water
         Chamomile tea
         Apple cider vinegar
         Coconut oil
         Peppermint tea
         Slippery elm
         steam shower
         Licorice root
         Hot sauce
         Chicken soup
         Ginger root tea
         Baking soda

Sore throat remedies for men and women with the latest research
Sore throat remedies for men and women with the latest research

Honey for Sore throat:

Honey is very beneficial for sore throat due to its antioxidant and antiviral properties. The latest research recommends using honey for a sore throat. However, it is not good for babies under 1 year old. There are various home remedies of honey for sore throat proposed by different researchers and in health news. The bench-marked remedy is very simple. Boil 2 glasses of water thoroughly and then mix 2 tablespoons, honey, inside. Drink this when needed [1]

Marshmallow root:

Marshmallow root is beneficial for sore throat due to anti-inflammatory properties. It comes from the marshmallow plant and it is a perennial herb. It looks like a brown fibrous husk. It decreases the throat irritation and swelling [2]. Marshmallow root home remedies are very effective for sore throat. Put the ginger in the water and boil it well to prepare tea. Use this tea two to three times a day. 


Literature reveals that saltwater reduces infection severity. The home remedies of saltwater are very cheap and beneficial for sore throat. Boil water and add table salt in it, the saltwater is ready. Gargle saltwater 4-5 times in a day. This home remedy does not have any side effects. The salt warm water used as a gargle creates an osmosis effect where the concentration of salt evaporates fluids from the mouth and throat tissues to relieve a painful infection [3].

Lemon water:

Lemon is a powerful antiseptic that helps break mucus and provide pain relief. It has an appealing odor and color with multiple benefits. lemon is citrus packed with vitamin C. Lemon and water are great to reduce sore throat. There are many home remedies of lemon water. Daily use of lemon water helps to clean blood and improve mental health [4]. To get rid of sore throat, it is recommended to Mix one teaspoon of lemon juice into a glass of warm water. Use this remedy twice in a day.

Chamomile tea:

Chamomile is one of the oldest medicinal herbs known to mankind. It used for many human ailments such as menstrual disorders, insomnia, gastrointestinal disorders, wounds, hay fever, muscle spasms, inflammation, rheumatic pain, gastrointestinal disorders, ulcers, and hemorrhoids. Chamomile tea is an infusion of dried flowers of the camomile. There are many home remedies of Chamomile tea for different purposes. It can be used for Wound healing, Vaginitis, Diabetes, Anxiety, and seizure, Sleep aid/sedation, Osteoporosis, Mucositis, Hemorrhoids, Eczema, Common cold, Anticancer activity and sore throat [5]. To get a rid sore throat, Mix three tbsp of dry chamomile flowers into 2 glass of water. Boil this for 10-15 minutes. Let the water normalize and use this one time in a day.

Apple cider vinegar:

ACV (Apple cider vinegar) has many applications; reduces belly fat, lowers cholesterol, improves heart health, prevent indigestion, fights diabetes, reduce swelling, extinguish exhaustion, relieve nighttime leg cramps, banish bad breath, fight yeast infections, foot or skin fungus, control blood sugars, boost weight loss and reduce the swelling of hemorrhoids. ACV contains components such as formic, malic, tartaric, amino acid, acetic, lactic, citric, succinic and peptides which are good for health. Due to its antibacterial properties, it is beneficial for sore throat. There are many home remedies of ACV for sore throat. Mix 1 tablespoon of ACV in 1 glass of warm water. Mix it well and use 2-3 times in a day for an effective and speedy recovery.

Coconut oil:

Coconut oil classified as a “super-food” is a colorless to a pale brownish yellow oil. Coconut oil has many home remedies and applications; boost the immune system, promote weight loss, aids in digestion, burn fats and boost brain functions. Coconut oil is also beneficial for sore throat due to its soothing effect [6]. Take 1 teaspoon with hot tea or hot cocoa. Repeat this 2-3 times in a day to soothe throat problems. You can consume coconut oil directly.

Peppermint tea:

Peppermint tea proved to be beneficial for sore throat due to its antibacterial properties. Peppermint is a herb rich in menthol. You can use Peppermint tea or peppermint leaves for a sore throat problem. Take 8-10 leaves of Peppermint and boil them with 2 glass of water. You can also add honey or lemon for flavor. Use this 1-2 times a day. This remedy is not for infants or small children.

Slippery elm:

Slippery elm has been used to treat upper airway inflammatory conditions as an alternative form of medicine for many years. It is a herbal medicine derived from the inner bark of the slippery elm tree. It is used to treat Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), Acid reflux, Constipation, Sore throat, Mouth ulcers, and weight loss. It has a mucus-like substance in it. To treat sore throat, pick 1 tablespoon slippery elm bark powder and 1 cup boiling water, stir well and sprinkle cinnamon at the top. Stir again and use this in a day.


Cinnamon has long been used to treat various diseases; Heart diseases, insect bites, arthritis, hair loss, bladder infections, toothache, cholesterol, colds, infertility, upset stomach, immune system, indigestion, influenza, longevity, pimples, and Fatigue, etc. Due to its antioxidant properties, it is also beneficial to treat sore throat [7]. There are many home remedies of Cinnamon to treat sore throat. Cinnamon with Honey, Cinnamon with Black Pepper, Cinnamon with Powdered Ginger, Cinnamon Milk with Baking Soda, Cinnamon with Apple Cider Vinegar and Cinnamon with Licorice Root are used to treat sore throat. Mix 1 teaspoon each of cinnamon powder, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, and honey into a cup of warm water. Use this slowly and repeat if required.

Steam shower:

Using a steam shower is another home remedy to treat sore throat. It is a cheap and natural remedy. Ancient Egyptians make 'bathhouses' for this purpose. It dilates blood vessels and Relaxes throat muscles which results in a decrease in sore throat. 

Sore throat remedies for men and women with the latest research

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