Coronavirus: Causes and treatments through latest research

Coronavirus: The word "Coronavirus" is derived from the Latin word "corona" which means crown. It is a large family of viruses that cause respiratory illness in humans and animals. Recently, it has got attention in many health news and reports. They cause diseases that can range from colds to serious illness. The virus affects the lungs and airways in humans. Mostly the virus infects animals, such as cats, bats, and birds. They spread from humans to humans and animals to humans. Currently there are no effective home remedies that prevent "Coronavirus"Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a novel and new illness that was first identified during an investigation into an outbreak in Wuhan, China.

Symptoms of coronavirus:

         Difficulty in breathing
         Sore throat (flu, cough)
         Coronavirus (COVID-19) can cause pneumonia

How Coronavirus Spread:

Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a new disease and there is more to learn about how it spreads. The latest research reveals that the virus can spread through;
         Person-to-person (infected to a normal person)
         Respiratory droplets (when an infected person coughs or sneezes)
         Contacting infected objects or surfaces


         Wash your hands properly
         Cover your nose and mouth when you cough
         Surgical masks offer some protection
         Early medical help
         Stay indoors and avoid contact with infected persons
         Isolate yourself if you are infected
Coronavirus: Causes and treatments through latest research

Remember: Everyone should taste death and it is real. No need to fear about Coronavirus (COVID-19). Stay firm and fight against Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Countries affected by coronavirus (COVID-19):

China               Pakistan           Iran                  South Korea                Japan               France
Germany         Spain               Singapore          Hong Kong                 USA                Bahrain
Kuwait            Australia          Switzerland       India                            Oman              Iraq

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